Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Appling and interviewing

I have a job fair coming up in a week and a bunch of employers to research. I went to how to work a job fair yesterday and got a lot of good information. I got my hair cut and looked for a new suit but I am just not the suit kind of person! What else should I wear? I just don't know what I will do about my dress yet. I seem not want to make the time to research the companies that are going to be at this job fair.

I need to get a job but with making a career change I just don't know what I want to do. What I had done for 20 plus years just doesn't have jobs anymore. I worked in the one hour photo business for many years and with digital the processing side of things have moved to online services (which is now what I use now), printing at home or not printing at all. It is a good thing I have been a supervisor and a manger so I will be able to do something with that. I want a job that I can love going to each day. About 5 years ago I had a job repairing the equipment and I loved doing that. I feel great when I can take something that isn't working and have it work when I am done with it.

Wish me luck!

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