Saturday, March 6, 2010

this that and other things. May a bit of balance would help.

I haven't posted for a few weeks. I can't believe I am this busy and unemployed. First as a single mom I get to do it all. Cooking, cleaning, shopping, getting the car serviced, taking the cats to the vet, making sure my daughter has when she needs and yes sometimes getting a few minutes to myself. So when I became unemployed last year I thought wow some down time for me. Well sure I get a few extra minutes to myself when I can get my daughter to sleep past 6am or when I make time to read, but wow I am not sure how I got it all done when I had a job. I still don't seem to get it all finished now. Yes I get to sleep until 6:30 am now instead of 5:45am if I am lucky and my child plays in her room but OMG I don't get it. I still have stuff that I am behind on and I am not working. Ok I vented and feel that much better now.

I belong to the career center as per unemployment's request and now just belonging to the career center is a job in itself. They gave me this pre-employment test that an employer might give to get a base line on where you are at. Well I know I have never done well on math and I fell flat on my face with the math part of the test. They said I should bulk up my math skills and I should go and have a review at the GED prep class that they have. Well I heard that and said wait I finished school many years ago....well I went and I am reviewing fractions. Oh crap I now know why I didn't like math. FRACTION suck. I haven't used a fraction since high school and I don't know if I ever will but I now know how to add, subtract, mulitly and divide fractions. Since I am going to this class I haven't had as much time to look for a job. I need to find a balance between looking for a job, taking this class, doing other things for the career center that they have asked me to do, picking my daughter up by 2 and getting all the stuff around my house done. Oh and making it to my WW meetings. I don't seem to have enough time. I guess I really need to find a job and then maybe I will have time to get thigs done.
Wish me luck and say a little pray that I find a great job soon.

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