Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Litter Patrol

A friend of mine shared on her blog about litter patrol that her and her kids did for her son's cub scouts. They took a walk to the park and along the way they picked up litter. She shared that her kids loved it (all 4 of them) and how they are going to do it again. I think it is a great idea, my daughter and I am going to start doing this.

If only more people did this in our world we won't have trash all over the place.

Monday, January 25, 2010

More resume writting

So I worked on my resume yesterday for about 3 hours. Why does the phone always ring when you are busy. I think more people called while I was working on my resume than called all last week. What is up with that. Did the world know I was busy and didn't have time to talk??
I did pretty good on my resume. I got it completed and then sent it out to my friends to read and help make changes..... Most people thought it was good and would work with minor changes. One person hated the whole thing. Oh well can't please everyone.
Today I am going to work on a informational resume. This one is where I list my skills and then list my employment at the bottom. I learned about the informational resume last week in a class I took. Up until now I have only had the one resume that listed my jobs and what I did at them. I hadn't written a resume in over 14 years so let me tell you that things have CHANGED. It is a bit over wheling to day the least.ok so I am off to work on the next resume.
I have a informational interview later today. Maybe a job will come of it!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Wish me luck I am rewriting my resume today. I took a resume class last week and got lots of good information that I didn't have before. I have a resume but it needs improvement and I also found out I need at least two.
Over at unemployment they are going to have Cox in tomorrow so I am heading over there to find out about jobs.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Rain hail and what the heck

This week we have had the strangest weather. I live in Southern California and we don't see much rain or change in weather unless it is to HOT. I think we have had more rain in the last 5 days than we had in ALL of last year. Just a few minutes ago it hailed. Now I don't remember the last time it hailed here. I grew up here and moved away twice. I moved back for different reason each time but one of the reason was the weather. I love nice weather and I love it when it rains for a few hours but for days on end isn't fun. I can remember when I moved to Europe when I was 18 and the first time it snowed......I about cried. I went into a bar with friends and when I can out it was snowing and A LOT. The next day when I woke up there was about 4 feet of snow. It just happened that my dad called from California while I was out digging out the car. All he could do was laugh since he grew up where it snowed and knew that I was probably hating what I was doing since I was cold. Cold weather and I just don't get along.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


We had rain yesterday. Let just say we don't get much rain here so when we do get it the city freaks out. Yesterday it started raining about 3 and it poured. It rained so much in 2 hours that my patio flooded. I ended up going out in the rain and the small lake that was out in the patio to unblock the drain. Once that was done the lake drained out.
Things are looking better this week. I don't feel as down as I did and I am able to look forward.

A bit of background about me. I worked for the same company for 14 years and was laid off last June since the company was sold and the new company didn't need my department. Which was good since I didn't want to work for the new company anyways. The bad new is/was that there are 150 people for 1 new job. I decided to take a few months off since I could and it was summer so who wouldn't want to take a summer off. I am luck that I had saved money and the company gave me money when I left. I also have been collecting unemployment. Now that I am ready to go back to work I am finding it hard to even get a call back about any jobs I have applied for. I am learning that applying, interviewing and getting a job is totally different than it was 15 years ago. Resumes.....that is a whole different ball game in itself these days. OMG you have to have something like 5 different resumes and then when you apply for a job you need to tailor your resume for that job alone with writing a cover letter. I have been so out of the loop it is over whelming for me. Wish me luck as I go out there to find that job that is the right one!

Friday, January 15, 2010

bad day!

My first post! I started this blog to put feeling and words to paper. Today is a bad day. Last night I told I friend I would help her (I am the type of person that pushes everything aside to help my friends) I shouldn't have said yes. Because I told her I would I did and I missed a class I should have been at. I can make up the class next week without any problems but it was the one class I wanted to take out of the 5 I am taking. I need to learn how to put myself first. It is great to help friends but all the same I have to learn how to help myself also. So today I feel bad. All I want to do is go into the closet and not come out for days but I can't. I have to pick up kids, play with them and then take them back to there mom and get my own into bed without losing it. I know that I will get though it.