Monday, January 25, 2010

More resume writting

So I worked on my resume yesterday for about 3 hours. Why does the phone always ring when you are busy. I think more people called while I was working on my resume than called all last week. What is up with that. Did the world know I was busy and didn't have time to talk??
I did pretty good on my resume. I got it completed and then sent it out to my friends to read and help make changes..... Most people thought it was good and would work with minor changes. One person hated the whole thing. Oh well can't please everyone.
Today I am going to work on a informational resume. This one is where I list my skills and then list my employment at the bottom. I learned about the informational resume last week in a class I took. Up until now I have only had the one resume that listed my jobs and what I did at them. I hadn't written a resume in over 14 years so let me tell you that things have CHANGED. It is a bit over wheling to day the least.ok so I am off to work on the next resume.
I have a informational interview later today. Maybe a job will come of it!

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